
What are the downsides of using bootstrap in plugin development?

What are the downsides of using bootstrap in plugin development?

The Disadvantages of Bootstrap are: Styles are verbose and can lead to lots of output in HTML which is not needed. JavaScript is tied to jQuery and is one of the commonest library which thus leaves most of the plugins unused.

  1. Why you should not use bootstrap?
  2. Is it bad to use bootstrap?
  3. Is bootstrap good for web development?
  4. Is it good to use bootstrap?
  5. Is using bootstrap cheating?
  6. Is it better to use bootstrap or CSS?

Why you should not use bootstrap?

While Bootstrap is easy to use, it's not so easy to customize as you might think. Some components will require you to use ! important several times, which is not ideal when creating CSS. And having to override the default styles of Bootstrap is just like having to create your own CSS from start.

Is it bad to use bootstrap?

Do not use Bootstrap. No, really don't. You can do better, you can design better, and you can build your code better. Using a CSS preprocessor like Sass will allow you to still have the rapid prototyping you need, and the community tools within Sass will be your bread and butter in this regard.

Is bootstrap good for web development?

Bootstrap is a powerful front-end framework that revolutionized the web development industry. Not only that, but Bootstrap also accelerates the design process by providing pre-made design themes and templates that are customizable and easy to use.

Is it good to use bootstrap?

Bootstrap has this benefit: one of the best responsive, mobile grid system. It's really easy to use and if you need to work through columns, then you're in the right place using Bootstrap. Very handy when you want to hide some content based on screen size.

Is using bootstrap cheating?

Originally Answered: Is using a framework like bootstrap or foundation cheating? Absolutely not. In a tech production environment where speed of deployment is as valuable or more valuable than optimization, frameworks can cut a lot of corners. ... Bootstrap is an example of both.

Is it better to use bootstrap or CSS?

Bootstrap uses CSS, however it's different to writing your own CSS as it's all pre done so you just add a class to a HTML element and then it will use that CSS. ... Bootstrap is great because it allows you to easily create a responsive, cross browser compatible website really easily.

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