
Subcriber getting multiiple notifications for new comments

Subcriber getting multiiple notifications for new comments
  1. How do I turn off comment notifications?
  2. Do Youtubers get notified when you comment?
  3. How do I unsubscribe from YouTube comments?
  4. How do I turn off comment notifications on a team?
  5. Do you get notified if someone likes your comment?
  6. Can subscribers see your comments?
  7. Did YouTube stop sending notifications?
  8. Why do I not get YouTube notifications?

How do I turn off comment notifications?

You may want to stop getting email notifications about comments and replies.
Manage mobile notification

  1. Go to your profile picture .
  2. Tap Settings .
  3. Tap Notifications.
  4. Change settings for Comments and replies by turning these settings on or off.

Do Youtubers get notified when you comment?

Yes YouTube does send you a notification when you get a comment on a video. But if you're getting hundreds of them every second, you won't be getting notifications for it. You can download YouTube Creators Studio from Google Play store to manage all the videos/comments easily.

How do I unsubscribe from YouTube comments?

Scroll down to "Emails about your channel, your videos and your comments" > uncheck all five boxes under "Send me emails when:".

How do I turn off comment notifications on a team?

Re: Switching off comment notifications in word documents

  1. From the gear in you OneDrive account (online) select OneDrive Settings.
  2. The Notifications Settings open - all are on by default. Slide the toggle to off for "Email notifications when other reply to your comments"

Do you get notified if someone likes your comment?

When someone likes your Instagram comment, you will get a notification just like you would when someone mentions you or leaves a comment on your photo. But, you will only be notified if you follow the person who likes your comment. Wondering how to turn off “comment likes” notifications?

Can subscribers see your comments?

Subscribers only get notified of your new content, and then only if they have chosen to be notified. So that would be new video uploads on a new channel. People also get notified of your replies to their comments and comments you make on their videos, but not comments you post anywhere else.

Did YouTube stop sending notifications?

Here's an important note for YouTube channel managers - as of August 13th, 2020, YouTube will no longer send out email notifications to your channel subscribers whenever you upload a new video. As per YouTube: ... "We didn't see any impact to watch time when we experimented with turning off these emails.

Why do I not get YouTube notifications?

If you're subscribed to a channel but aren't receiving notifications, it may be because the channel's notification settings are off. To turn all notifications on: Go to the channel for which you'd like to receive all notifications. Click the bell next to the Subscribe button to get all notifications.

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